I am going to talk about an elderly gentleman, 81 year old slightly forgetful but very affectionate.
An ex coal India employee, this main resident of Joyshree park lives a scheduled life with a 63 year old lady who is instrumental in bringing up his son Shibaji a resident of Ontario. Busy with work Shibaji hardly gets time to drop by Kolkata to visit his father. Mr. Basu is very fond of his two grandchildren. his eyes seem to be always on the search of his near and dear ones.
The gentleman whom I am writing about is not to keen on doctor checkups and stops medication at the drop of a hat. If someone requests for a doctor check up, he says I don’t need one as I am fully ok health wise.
To end the story I will narrate an incident which goes to show how prolonged lack of treatment, malnutrition can lead to something absolutely disastrous.
One day, as I was getting ready for office I received a call from Mr. Basu’s house saying can you come, I am not feeling well. I rushed to his house and called up the doctor. Fortunately, I got the doctor and got him treated. Certain tests were advised. He looked relieved.
The doctor kept him in good humour. The reports have arrived and result is with medication he is doing well.
The bottom line- “Sir do you want same situation arising once again or take prior precaution.” He says firmly, “well I am fit (touch wood), such a situation won’t emerge if at all we will see is his candid reply.” As I was coming out of his house he held my hand and said thank you my boy and tears rolled down his cheeks. A glaring finding is that the organization which I work for primarily based at elder care can serve crisis management with dignity, self respect and care.