We started Tribeca Care more than five years ago, with the somewhat idealistic goal of providing care to seniors while enriching their lives. And it has been fairly tumultuous, but exciting, in building a senior focussed platform, building a team that is steeped in the art of care. Most importantly we formed the understanding that age robs people of their vigour and strength, but never their resolve to lead independent and wholesome lives. We believed we could help with that.
We are especially happy to have developed very deep domain knowledge on caring for seniors, finding ways to alleviate the physical and mental well being of those who are in their 60s, 70s and upwards. We believe that age is no bar when it comes to truly ‘living’, and we aim to focus our goals towards that end.
We are approached all the time for advice, and recently, after taking yet another couple through care options for their parents, We had an ‘aha’ moment. Why can’t we put together a monthly digest of topics that can help people navigate the process of ageing? This will include stuff that we believe in and are doing ourselves, or stuff that we curate to help you in understanding and dealing with that alien – yet – so – familiar concept of ageing.
Here is your bi-monthly dose of senior/elder information – health, care, lifestyle and more.
Stories worth a read
+Seven steps to becoming better carers of your ageing parent long distance. Prateep Sen, Cofounder of Tribeca Care discusses what bothered him most when he lived in London while his mother lived alone in Kolkata. A ready reckoner for those living away from their loved ones from someone who set up an elder care company
+ Isolation kills (more of which we will delve on in detail in later months), is at the centre of the work that the entire Tribeca team is focussed on. Bringing seniors out of their home, sometimes out for a coffee at the local mall, or larger tea parties. Recently a group of seniors took a short 3 day trip to Mandarmani. Read why travelling with Tribeca is different from any other travel
+ Ageing at home or Ageing in an assisted care facility? This is a question that has vexed many a carer. There are no right or wrong answers, but only what’s right for you and your loved one.
+ Our newsletters will be published on our website so that you can access them anytime. If you have friends or family who you think may benefit by becoming better equipped carers by accessing our information, we will request you to forward them this link through which they can get access to our newsletter.
What are we reading or watching:
+ Caring can be tough. And our experience is that there are certain people who take on more of the burden – sometimes due to their proclivity, and sometimes as there is no one else to do it. What’s eating Gilbert Grape, a movie playing on Netflix, starring a young Johnny Depp and an even younger Leonardo DiCaprio bring out the bittersweet yet tender emotions in being a carer. We recommend watching it.
Enjoy the rest of the month, and every minute you have with your parents!
And lastly, we wanted to let you know that we will not spam you in anyway and will keep our information and message tight. We hope that through this newsletter we can make you better informed carers/seniors. We would love to keep sharing with you our experiences so you and your loved ones can live a happier, more fulfilled life.
Warm Wishes
From the Directors
TriBeCa Care.